Fitness and Stress

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What does exercise have to do with stress?

Fitness and Stress

Stressed? Go work out. A fitness program helps take your mind off the car payments, the boss, the kids, and in some cases the fate of the free world. People with high levels of health and fitness who experience high stress have less sickness than fitness-challenged people with similar stress levels.



11/11/2007 11:09:22 PM
jody said:

This is so true, yet those of us stressers often think we don't have time to go out for a walk, or work out. Try it, you'll like it.

11/12/2007 9:19:49 PM
Yvonne Woehrer said:

Absolutely! My workouts are my source of getting all the stress and problems out. Its my "glass of wine".
After my workout I'm happier, freer, and ready to face all of life's challenges.

11/13/2007 6:48:11 PM
Mary Kay said:

Very true. Amazing tip.Walking and runing have became my best friends. They dont talk back and they make all my stress go away. They also have made me very healty and happy. Dry it.

3/28/2009 10:52:25 PM
CLINT D said:

Excellent tip. I just started running and have never been able to control my stress level so well. I have more energy to do the things i like doing.

8/26/2009 11:14:40 AM
hhnnn said:

you guys rock! you made me be realy skinny like a twig.

10/9/2011 2:02:46 PM
Mike said:

I started weight training when I was 14. I was a troubled teen with anger issues, and exercising helped tremendously. To this day I get grumpy if I don't exercise for a week or so.


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