Strengthen your Hamstrings & Butt with Straight Leg Deadlifts (video)

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Strengthen your Hamstrings & Butt with Straight Leg Deadlifts (video)

The Barbell Straight Leg Deadlift exercise will really bring strength to the muscles of your butt and hamstrings since the motion is something that most of us are not used to. Much like a Deadlift, the Straight Leg version is just harder to execute. As you perform the motion, you will feel something of a 'pull' in your hamstrings, which is totally normal.

Your Glutes (butt) are exercised during what is called 'hip extension', and your hamstrings in 'flexion at the knee'. As you keep your legs straight though and keep an arch in your back, your hamstrings will isometrically contract while your glutes perform the moving portion. If this bothers your low back, it means you're rounding your back - either watch yourself in a mirror, or lower the weight.

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