
Will I get much out of walking if my legs are weak?

Strength First

If you don't work out, or have a job requiring physical labor, you may lose a lot of strength as you get older. (Everybody loses some.) When considering exercise, think about doing some strength training before starting an aerobic exercise program. Many older exercisers can walk faster and farther after strength training because their legs are stronger.

Exercise Frequently Asked Questions

What does stretching have to do with sports performance?

How can I improve my balance?

How much stretching do I have to do to warmup?

What is deep water running?

How should I cool down after exercise?

How can I be sure I stay in the fat burning zone?

How long should I keep doing the same routine?

What can I do myself for sports injuries?

Are ankle injuries common?

How much water should I drink after a hard workout?

What effect does exercise have on the immune system?

What effect does exercise have on the immune system?

Will I lose muscle just because I get older?

What are the benefits of doing tai chi?

Should I choose a walking route that does not have hills?

How can I keep my ankles flexible?

How should I stretch my calves?

How much exercise is enough?

How much exercise is enough?

How do I know if I´m doing enough exercise?

What should my flexibility goals be?

How do I stretch my iliotibial band?

How should I stretch my hamstrings?

How will stretching affect my workout?

What activities will improve flexibility?

How do I set up a split routine?

Where can I get guidance on stretching?

Will riding a bicycle to work help me get in shape?

Should I use machines or free weights?

Will riding a bicycle to work help me get in shape?

Is static stretching always best?

Is swimming good for people with arthritis?

What pills are best for keeping young?

What anti-aging supplements should I take to stay young?

Does exercise help maintain mental ability?

How do I know if the calories burned number is accurate?

What is PNF stretching?

How can I judge my fitness before starting an exercise program?

Will I have trouble falling asleep if I work out at night?

How do I get a toned body?

How can I motivate myself to keep exercising?

How do I maintain any kind of fitness when I get older?

What are the best muscles for men to train?

How do I stretch the Achilles tendon and calf?

Should I stretch my whole body for walking or just calves?

How do I get started weight training?

How can I stretch the muscles in my chest.

Why should or shouldn´t I weight train during my sports season?

How do energy systems affect my sports training?

How should I use a stair climber?

Is it true a StairMaster will develop my butt too much?

Is it ok to always do the same workout, or should I work harder?

How can I improve my fitness?

What is a good shoulder stretching routine for swimming?

How should I swing my arms when powerwalking?

What is the difference between cardio and aerobics?

What can I do about a muscle cramp?

What is the best aerobic exercise?

How can I get a good cardio workout?

Why should I do yoga?

Is walking as good for fitness as running?

Is walking as good for fitness as running?

Why did I gain weight after I started to work out?

What are aqua shoes?

Why did I start gaining weight at middle age?

Which muscles should I stretch?

Which is the best program to use on the Lifecycle?

What is Pilates and should I do it?

How do I measure my heart rate?

Will weight training give a woman big muscles?

Is it worth starting aerobic training in your 60s?

How do I find out how many calories a food has?

How can I make sure my weaker arm gets enough work?

Can I get all my workout time in on the weekend?

How far should I walk?

Can I think about other things while using a treadmill or bike?

How far should I straighten my joints when weight lifting?

When should I do my outdoor exercise?

Do I walk first or stretch first?

If I work out will I avoid age-related weight gain?

How old is too old to start weight training?

Is gardening really good exercise?

Is gardening really good exercise?

How many calories do I burn swimming?

What is Nordic walking?

What should I wear when out walking?

How much protein should I eat?

How is the Step Mill different from stair climbers?

How can I make my bones stronger without going to a gym?

How can I make my bones stronger without going to a gym?

How should I breathe when working out?

How do I get started in strength training?

When should I drink sports drinks instead of water?

What can I do to avoid hip surgery when I get older?

What should I do if I get dizzy after a run?

How and when should I use a spotter?

How can I use dance for aerobic exercise?

What is a drop set?

How can I improve my concentration?

How can I exercise to make wrinkles go away?

Will facial exercises do away with wrinkles?

Can any exercise improve concentration ability?

Can exercise help maintain brain function?

How does exercise affect the brain?

Is it important to stretch my neck?

How do I improve my balance and keep from falling?

How much does my mind affect my sports performance?

Can I get stronger by using weight training equipment in the pool?

How can I walk faster?

What kind of music should I work out to?

When should I take creatine?

How can I work out and not irritate my sore rotator cuff?

Do I need fat in my diet?

What is water intoxication?

What should I eat before a marathon?

Can I still exercise if my balance is not good?

Will I get bigger by working out every day?

How many crunches should I do to get flat abs?

Can I take herbs without worrying about side effects?

Why am I sometimes not sore until the day after the workout?

Are people more likely to die during strenuous exertion?

How do I keep my shins from being sore after racewalking?

How can I find time to exercise?

What special exercises should I do as an older person?

How much do I need to cut back on workouts as I get older?

Can seniors gain strength on one workout a week?

How can I evaluate my aerobic fitness?

How often should I walk?

What´s a good beginning weight training guide?

Why am I getting stronger from training but not gaining muscle?

What is good posture?

How important is it to drink water when I´m not working out?

How can I make exercise more interesting?

What´s good dry land practice for a beginning surfer?

What can I do to prevent diabetes?

How can I deal with PMS?

How does exercise affect diabetes?

How can I work out in my hotel room when traveling?

What does exercise have to do with stress?

How does exercise affect diabetes?

How can I deal with PMS?

What does exercise have to do with stress?

How should I choose athletic shoes?

Will I get much out of walking if my legs are weak?

What can I do to improve my swimming for triathalon?

Can someone with fibromyalgia do exercise?

Can people with heart failure exercise?

Can I drink fruit juice instead of water while exercising?

What benefits will I get from exercising during pregnancy?

What´s a good general bodybuilding book?

Can someone with fibromyalgia do exercise?

Can I be confident my supplements are pure?

Can people with heart failure exercise?

Does exercise help high blood pressure?

How can I lower my blood pressure?

How can I add protein without buying expensive powder?

Does alcohol help or hurt exercise?

Does exercise help high blood pressure?

How do I keep from getting neck pain when working at my computer?

Where can I find out about strength training for women?

Can what you eat affect chronic pain?

What foods are best for bodybuilding?

Are patented supplements the best ones for me to take?

How can I prevent shin splints?

Are all group classes aerobic?

Are group rebounding classes any good?

Does weight training make you inflexible and muscle-bound?

How can I get rid of lactic acid in my body?

Where can I go to walk outdoors?

How do I know if a personal trainer is qualified?

Should I start a daily walking regimen?

What can I do about leg cramps?

What is carnitine and should I take it?

How do I improve my racewalking?

Can I get in shape using an on-line trainer?

Will my swimming experience make me a good runner?

How can I prevent muscle cramps?

How can I use my mind to help my sports performance?

How can I prevent kickboxing injuries?

What sunscreen should I use when working out?

How will my workouts be affected if I quit smoking?

Will quitting smoking help my workouts?

Where is cleanliness most important in a gym?

Will quitting smoking help my workouts?

What can I do if I can´t run but walking isn´t enough of a workout?

What can I do if I can´t run but walking isn´t enough of a workout?

How can I get a good workout on stairs?

Can I do racewalking if running hurts my foot?

When should I use a weight lifting belt?

Are the weight settings on all machines accurate?

How many sessions do I have to take with a personal trainer?

Is a vegetarian diet acceptable for athletes?

Where can I find a good home reference for men´s health?

Where do I start to learn about healthy eating?

Does glucosamine help sore joints?

How can I avoid getting too much sun when exercising?

How can I, as a senior, get fit without formal exercise?

What should I do if I need a personal trainer but can´t afford one?

How can I be a better runner?

How does exercise affect the aging process?

Is there a book that can help me improve my running?

How can I be sure I have chosen the right health club to join?

How do I know if I´m overtraining?

What is the best way to warm up for aerobic exercise?

What is The 24-Hour Turnaround?

Why do people racewalk?

Do I need sunglasses for outdoor exercise?

Can I be sure the equipment at the gym is maintained properly?

How can I learn about t´ai chi and qigong?

As a senior exerciser, should I work out on hot days?

Why do women get hurt in sports more than men?

What´s a good book for runners?

Should older people exercise on hot days?

Is it safe to wear headphones when I run?

What´s a good way to improve balance?

How can I improve my balance?

How can I avoid back injury while training?

How safe is it for me to do outdoor sports during a lightning storm?

Do I have to worry about drinking water when training for strength?

Are vacations good for you?

Can I eat energy gels while working out?

How much exercise can I do while pregnant?

What are the mental factors in playing sports?

Are vacations good for you?

How can I lose weight and reduce my cholesterol?

How do I stay healthy as I get older?

What is the philosophy behind yoga?

How can I lose weight and reduce my cholesterol?

Should I join a gym for a longer time if it´s cheaper?

Will massage complement my training?

Can I wear my regular plastic glasses for racketball?

How do I compete in racewalking?

Is in-line skating a good cardio workout?

Should my personal trainer set up a diet for me?

How does a walking program affect longevity?

What will a personal trainer teach me?

What exercise movements might hurt my back?

How would a personal trainer know what to do about my medical problems

Will I need expensive workout clothes at a gym?

Why should I take the stairs instead of the elevator?

What do I do if I think I´m getting overtrained?

Are hiking poles useful for backpackers?

What are the rules of racewalking?

How can I prevent blisters?

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Can people with chronic fatigue exercise?

Can I exercise if I´m taking medication?

When is exercise bad during pregnancy?

How can I overcome PMS?

Are there any good books on how to deal with PMS?

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Nicholas Frank